
Just chatting away on the mobile phone…

…while hauling about a million styrofoam boxes on a cargo trike. All in a day’s work in China. Photo by Elyse Sewell, a fashion model living in China (I think). Her copious posts are sarcastic and insightful, filled with photos of the absurdities of her daily life as a “ladyposer” and all the weird things she comes across. Such as a guy talking on the phone while cycling with about 40 cubic meters of styrofoam. We don’t even see that in Amsterdam.

Bakfuts sighting!

I had heard about the bakfuts, the latest in Dutch cycling footwear, but until recently had never come across a pair. Luckily last night I managed to capture an image of a bakfuts in my neighborhood! 

As I'm sure you're all aware, the Dutch love their clogs. The bakfuts is a clog -- for bikes! The benefits should be obvious to any bak-ficionado -- warmth, stability, buoyancy, power transfer, and pure Dutch style. Check out the sleek styling on this bakfuts - pure utility matched with raw Dutch bak appeal.

I tried chasing this guy down, but he thought I was crazy & took off. He was right, incidentally. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out where to order these. Anyone have any tips?